Monday, June 11, 2012

Importing contacts (VCF) to Gmail (To sync with your Android Phone)

I have seen some users here having difficulties to import their contacts to their new Android phone. This trick is to help those.

1. You need to be able to pass all your contacts to a .vcf file.

This is how you do it on a Nokia phone but this also applies to other phones on which the process is similar.
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1. On your Nokia phone go to Contacts
2. Go to Options > Mark/Unmark > Mark All
3. Options > Copy > To Memory Card
4. Connect your phone to PC
5. Browse to /Other/Contacts/ on your phone’s memory card
6. Copy all the .vcf files to a folder in your PC

2. Now you have all your contacts in separate vcf files. Importing to your Gmail account would be a nightmare because you would have to do it one by one. To avoid this painful process, you should now unite all in one vcf file. To be able to do this, you need to open a DOS window on your PC by making "Start > Run" write "cmd" and it should open a window. Now browse to the folder you copied the vcf file by using the comand "CD".  For example, if you have copied to the drive E: on the folder Documents>Contacts, you should type: "E:" and then "CD Documents/Contacts". To certify that you are on the right folder, you can type "Dir" and it should show you the vcf files.

To convert to a unique vcf file type this command (as it is):


for /F "delims=" %i in ('dir /b *.vcf') do @more "%i" >> all.vcf

Now, all your contacts are under one unique vcf file called "all.vcf" and you just need to import them.

3. To import to Gmail just need to:
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1. Sign in to Gmail.
2. Click Contacts on any Gmail page.
3. Click the More actions dropdown menu and select Import...
4. Click the Choose File button and locate the all.vcf
5. Select the file and click the Import button.

4. Now you can sync the Gmail contacts with you phone and they should appear on your phone.

Good luck and I hope I helped. 


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