Tuesday, December 24, 2013

12 Types Of Servers

1. Real-Time Communication Servers
Also known as chat servers or IRC, and
sometimes known as instant messaging (IM)
servers, these servers are meant to allow huge
number users to exchange information

2. FTP Servers
This is one of the oldest of the Internet
services available. The FTP or File Transfer
Protocol allows the users to securely transfer
one or more files of any size between two

3. Collaboration Servers
In many ways, collaboration software, once
called 'groupware,' demonstrates the original
power of the Web. Collaboration software
designed to enable users to collaborate,
regardless of location, via the Internet or a
corporate intranet and to work together in a
virtual atmosphere.

4. List Servers
List servers lets users better manage their
mass mailing lists like open interactive
discussions or one-way lists to deliver
newsletters, announcements or advertising.

5. Telnet Servers
The Telnet server lets the users on to a host
computer control and work on remote

6. Web Servers
At its core, a Web server serves static content
to a Web browser by loading a file from a disk
and serving it across the network to a user's
Web browser. This entire exchange is mediated
by the browser and server talking to each other
using HTTP.

7. Virtual Servers
A virtual server is a web server which shares
its resources with multiple users. It's another
way of saying that multiple web sites share the
resources of one server.

8. Proxy Servers
Proxy server is a server which acts as an
intermediary for requests between the users
and the servers. Client connects to the proxy
server and the proxy server evaluates the
requests sent by the users simplifies them and
control their complexities.

9. Mail Servers
Mail servers help in moving and storing the e-
mail over a network via LANs and WANs or
across the Internet.

10. Server Platforms
Normally used in same context with that of
operating systems, server platforms are the
platforms that are under the hardware or
software of a system and the hence in the
engine that drives the server.

11. Open Source Servers
Similar to server platforms, Open source server
are referred to the underlying open source
operating system used in the IT infrastructures
of the companies.

12. Application Servers
Application servers are a type of middleware
which connects the database servers and the
app users.

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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Best Mobile Browser - Opera Mini. Read why?

Opera Mini requests web pages through Opera Software 's servers, which process and compress
them before sending them to the mobile phone, speeding up transfer by two to three times and dramatically reducing the amount of data transferred, chargeable on many mobile phone data plans.

The pre-processing increases compatibility with web
pages not designed for mobile phones.

Opera Mini is a web browser designed primarily for mobile phones, smartphones and personal digital assistants .

Until version 4 it used the Java ME
platform, requiring the mobile device to run Java ME applications.

From version 5 it is also available as
a native application for Android , bada , iOS, Symbian OS ,
and Windows Mobile.

Opera Mini is offered free of charge, supported mainly through deals with
mobile operators to have Opera Mini pre-installed in phones,
and other sources of revenue such as search advertising deals, licensing and paid bookmarks
and Speed Dial placement.

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